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    Saturday, July 18, 2009

    I'm drained by RHT,seriously

    Oh my god. When can i ever get over this man. It's been bugging me since i woke up this morning. Mr jimmy yeo's face keep flashing in my head the minute i close my eyes. He kept telling me to finish RHT by sunday or the group is going to be dead on monday.

    I wonder how on earth will i have the time to blog about this stupid stuff. But i seriously got to vent my anger out. I HATE PROJECTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

    RHT, here i come. I'm going to make you from 5 pages into 10 pages! HA HA HA. Wait and see.


    Odelia Ling said...

    I'd rather do that than do my accountings.

    Sharon Lim said...

    Accounting is all about maths. So easy. This project is damn annoying