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    Sunday, July 19, 2009

    Project loves me yes i know.

    It's me and celeste again! Yes, i love to take lots of picture the minute celeste uses her laptop. Just came back from project meeting under debt's void deck. It's a rainy day! How i wish i could stay at home to sleep a little bit more this morning. I was the earliest today. Good day for me man. We are almost done with RHT. What has to be done now is only commskills OB and Intht presentation (all pack in next week!)
    We had to practice role play today for tomorrow's presentation. Reynold assigned me with a super-hard-to-act role. Crying scene. Well as celeste have said, please laugh when we create a joke.

    We didn't do much today. What i felt was today is a day to bond with my group mates. Talking about pregnency and ...... Reynold seems to be more knowledgeabe than any other girls. If he were to be a doctor one day, everyone will just faint. oh well.
    Gonna write my speech now. Cya!

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