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    Tuesday, July 14, 2009

    Keep running.

    Hi all,
    I know at this point of time i shouldn't be blogging. But i'm blogging for the following reasons.
    1) I lead an imba's life.
    2) I stayed up till late last night for an ungraded assignment. fish.
    3) I want to reward myself for doing part of the group assignment. (positive reinforcement)
    4) I have no one else to talk to about my life cause i'm too busy to make a phone call
    5) I want to update people about my life through blogger instead of typing a whole chunk to 'em
    6) Blogging makes me sleep

    How's life for me? Screwed by projects. Love life ruin, Friendship ruin, Hobby ruin, Slim down plan ruin, everything ruin by projects. I seriously have no life after coming to poly man. I wonder if other courses are doing as much as LRM. However, good news is, i've been getting along better with my classmates. I'm much closer to people whom i was never close to in the past, like anita, gary, derry and emily's group! Like what gary have said "I don't want to go through another agony of knowing new classmates over again in 2.1. I like our class"

    The guys are always the cutest but most irritating bunch in class. All with different characters but come together as one. They are much more bonded in the sense. I'm starting to love my class more, just like any other classmates.

    Had comm skills presentation today. Jack the funny one presented his speech in this way.

    Jack: TUUday i am going tuuu tok about narrowing a topic
    Jack: For example a man. U have, fat man, small man, middle man, big man
    Class: (!!!!! huh what's middle man?!)

    Funny la jack. I suck at presentation. Shall not talk about it. Should go now. Toodles(:

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