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    Monday, June 15, 2009


    I guess i'm going to screw up this assignment again. Furthermore it's gonna be an individual work, which means deborah is not going to be there for me anymore, which means i can't finish my project, which means i'm going to do badl,. which means i'll get a low gpa, which means i can't get into a university, which means i am going to be jobless in 3 years time, which means i have no income, which means i cant go for SHOPPING!

    I have more pictures to upload but my cable is spoilt thus pissing me off since afternoon. Everyone is going to club these few days but i'm left at home to rot. Seriously, i like to lead a no life life. That perhaps will give me more time to rejuvenate.

    As for tonight's combine night cycling, i'm not going due to the heavy project load. Seriously h8 projects. My daddy has signed my subcommcamp idem form! yay. Just hung up a call with odelia and heard some thrilling news. Called cara too. She's feeling unwell now. Lets hope fairies will heal her soon(:

    Alright! Shall count sheeps now. Nights everybody!

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