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    Saturday, April 11, 2009

    TP aiseh!(:

    Oh man, i'm back to posting after such a long break! So it's time to brush up my blogging skills or my blog would be super boring. TP and Zetten had inspired (is that the right word to use?) me to blog down my every moment spent throughout the whole camp. And yeah. FOC jin aiseh! I really really had a good time in camp. I believe is the best camp i have came across so far and the most memorable one in my entire life.

    The school song goes "Temasek's me, Temasek's you, we are a team" .. Awww isn't that a heartwarming song that has already made you feel like you are always a part of TP. I never thought that i would enjoy the camp and school life in TP so much. I think that it's a curse that i'm born with an opposite mouth. Why? Cause whatever i said woud turn out to be the reverse. So indeed TP turned out to be a miracle in my gonna-be tertiary life.

    Oh yA. Three days without shitting was a deep torture for us. After the camp, we were all sharing that the shit is already on the tip of our iceberg (inside joke) Kayla even said that she lao sai all the way until today after the camp.

    what's with all the shits? hahah(:

    I want to thank all the GLs and p-r-o-g programmers for making everything so memorable for each and everyone of us. I've lost my voice for this camp screaming the jin-gao-lat thing but it's all worthwhile! Cause....I've exchanged it with friendships and a meaningful three days spent(:

    Hope someone is reading this(: And Zetten really rock my socks off(: Wooooo.

    Heres my favourite cheer:

    Girls: Zetten ah what i say

    Boys: Zetten ah what i say

    Girls: Zetten Zetten jin aiseh

    Boys: Zetten Zetten jin aiseh

    Girls: Aiseh Aiseh

    Boys: (macho) Aiseh Aiseh

    All: You say aiseh we say aiseh aiseh-aiseh-aiseh !