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    Saturday, April 11, 2009

    Camp fetishhh

    I've just grabbed some pictures from fiona's facebook. Today was freaking awesome. We had joy, we had fun, we had season in the sun! It was a pity that not all turned up for the camp, like tiara and co. Nevertheless, the atmosphere was still as good as ever. Too bad the fun ended a lil too early. It started pouring around 4 plus and we hurried back to the shelter. Sentosa today was fugging crowded! As for me, i got a lil bit more tanned :D:D :D Overall, tp rawks the most.
    Bathed, and proceed to the flea market with Odelia,rachel,seetleei, yuhao and fion. Trust me, they are the best company ever(: Hoh la. Thats all. peace (\/)

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