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    Sunday, April 12, 2009

    1 more time!

    okay i have so much more to say after so many posts about camp. I just cant stop blogging about how much fun i had during the camp. So here's some pictures to share(:
    In this picture! Alisha, probably the one i can clique with the most in zetten. Dyea, the one i can share the most fun with. Kayla, the one i can get enthu with. Anthony! The best 'man' ever. Samuel, the first guy i met before camp and lastly....i cant rmb his name(electric blue) but he rock zetten too!
    Next! I have my sleeping clique. (weilun and cassandra's missing) We had a long chat during the first night of camp about lesbos. Right, we had so much to share and it was freaking fun! Odelia seetleei simone and rachel!
    Now! I have my hang-outs clique. They are fion ,yuhao and odelia respectively. They are really cute people around you can find. We are the pure and innocent clique, not ! :p

    Lastly..I proudly present you my best friend odelia!

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