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    Thursday, January 29, 2009

    Cheena prawn.

    Hi world. Seems like i've lost contact with almost every single one. Well, the first person who first came to my mind is actually cynthia teo. Omg i really miss you miss you miss you. When am i going to see you again? I miss smiling at you, doing homework with you and laughing with you! Hope you are reading this and FASTER GIVE ME A CALL.

    Second, i miss yi qi. This is a rare case but i miss how yiqi nudges me everynight while i was busy doing my work. Nudge me soon yiqi !

    Shall update later


    Odelia Ling said...

    I want to go fish spa..............

    Sharon Lim said...

    This is so random........

    Sharon Lim said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Anonymous said...

    i like your hair colour. where did you get it done?

    xtyq said...

    I miz you too!!! :) ketchup with you soon

    Sharon Lim said...

    Hi yiqi! Yes long time no see(:
    Anon. My hair seems to have no colour at all. Thanks(: I had it done in malaysia.