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    Thursday, April 16, 2009

    Orientation Day 1

    Kind of sucky for me. The enjoyable times seems to decrease alot today. People there weren't really as enthu as zettenians. In fact, nothing beats zetten dua love! Well, i got into 1k05! Surprisely i met one of the sjcians there, her name is celeste. Omg, thank god i found someone i can really clique with. I thought i would be a loner my whole life in TP!

    See the pretty faces up there? We were freaking hot and perspiring like shit on the track. Celeste was telling me like " sweat is like dripping kind. so disgusting" Yeah, we were really hot and sticky. YUCK.

    Complains complains. I hope tomorrow will be a better day ahead.

    Stayed back for some mass dance practise with the other 99 biz freshies. I swear that was the most synchronized TP mass dance i ever tried. Ivan was like counting the steps so hardly for me. hahaha but he is damn sweaty and while we were doing the spinning moves, for a while i thought that it was drizzling, but no! It was Ivan who's perspiring so badly!

    sorry ivan but i had fun dancing with you!:D Saw simone and weilun. So cute la they were waving so badly to me. Had a small chit chat session w weilun on the bus on the way to petal.
    Finally caught up with her abit after FO!

    Ok what a wordy post. Today is like such a special day. HAPPY 2YRS ANNI EMMA LIM!

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