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    Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    Zetten cum 1k05(:

    Ewwww. What's this? It's jack's underwear.

    We had fun cycling throughout the night but i've grown extra kg of muscles. how fit is that right?
    Is this cool or what. hahaha

    This is zetten.

    THIS. is 1k05

    So hey peeps. It's been long since i last blogged. The only motivation for me to blog is to have pictures. I can hardly blog without pictures because it makes my posts look really boring. Well my life has been quite happening recently. I had a classchalet @ downtown east and zetten reunion at teoheng and popeyes. It was freakishly awesome. But guess what. My body clock is irregular now. I would usually sleep at 6 and wake up at 4 in the late noon. I feel excited for school which is reopening in about 6 days, but my body says it can't adapt to waking up early in the morning, having to cross two bridges and a 3minutes walking distance to my LT. I can't wait to see my classmates! Never fail to have fun with them.

    Last wed7oct, I had a zetten reunion outing. We went teo heng and i found a hidden talent ZAXE. she sang well. We had eileen, jimmy, kenneth, yc,zhengquan, mrbean, shermine, zaxe and anni. Each of us paid 2bucks for the whole Kroom. I enjoyed the part when we sang qing ge wang because everyone was busying passing the mic around at the switch to another song. Well as usual, eileen is the happy pill of the day. (: Went popeye and met racheal pong and she was so kind in lending a hand for our group photo taking.
    Joined my class after everyone parted. We went night cycling. Our legs were breaking, butts were cracking. But we had fun the first night. Everyone took care of me knowing i'm a beginner cyclist. My feet couldn't reach the ground at all! So i faced difficulty cycling. We played ice and water the old school game. Trying to reminise about our happy childhood haha.
    Day two we played card games and went on with our bbq. Our careperson came and brought us 22 cupcakes. So sweet of her. Caught 500 days of summer. Hmmm boring. The story line is quite expected so there wasn't much surprise in the show.
    Second night wasn't as good. We were drained and headed home straight after we woke up the third day.

    1 comment:

    Za1xe said...

    "i found a hidden talent ZAXE. she sang well."