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    Thursday, October 29, 2009

    I'm so gonna watch this on Nov 12!
    I love to watch things associated with the end of the world. Imagine 2012, I'm still no married. A Year 3 graduate from Temasek Poly. Not a single boyfriend. Not tried the sentosa tallest rollercoaster in the universe. Not tasted my own cooking. Not learnt how to dance. Not made my very first best friend from TP. I will miss Mammeh and pappeh. Where will i go after i die?
    Who can i find in the heaven? Is there heaven? OMGZ.
    I think Reynold make a some good points at times when he talks to me about end of world 2012 and outerspace. Sometimes it may sound nonsensical but it did make sense to me.
    Whatever it is. WATCH THIS. Save your movie tickets for this kind of meaningful show instead of romance. Romance sucks leh. Alright shall go now.


    Odelia Ling said...

    Btw, i saw chicken little. Grew up already, more macho liaozxzx. Snigger snigger.

    Sharon Lim said...

    hahahaaaa is she still wearing the green specs?