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    Monday, August 10, 2009

    Make a diamond for keith

    Hola! This annoying thing above is called keith. He is such a pie. He officially became my maid yesterday and put aside his position as an FA. Isn't this something nice to share about? Had my haircut yst and my fringe is seriously WAY shorter than this length. My esteem immediately dropped the minute i see my hair. I desperately need hair extention! Somebody please give me advice how to help my hair grow.
    Something surprised me about keith. His mom taught him ettiquette since he was young. Sending girls home, alighting the bus before the girl do and so on. These little things that mommy keith taught him perhaps have gave him a little more charm compared to the rest. I bet i'm boosting his ego now cause i know he will read this. (I want to grow up to be like you, LOL)

    Well, girls out there. There's a almost-perfect boy here. Hurry ask him to "qu-wo" !

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