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    Saturday, July 11, 2009

    Jassy and I!

    Weets! Sharon feels so happy cause she finally got something to do for project! I always feel so redundant in the group but now i don't! Cheers for debby! Hmmm I'm waiting for Zhao to upload zetten's group photo now. Waiting so badly for those pictures. I'm going to blog about that soon.

    I'm going to get a zetten GL shirt for myself and frame it up soon. Love my GLs, love the shirt. Honestly speaking, i've really enjoyed FOC. And perhaps FOC is really the turning point of my life. I have awesome friends like mathew, ferly, anni, rynne, tehping, jonathan, brandon, zhengquan, fiona, and so many other awesome people that made my life thru TP these 3 months. Big gratitudes for all of you!(:

    Me and reynold are fine now. That's the best thing that has happened for the day. I seriously dont want to lose a good friend like him. So yeah, glad that everything is back to normal.

    I just had my prawn noodles *burps* and i'm getting fat soon. I had chips, durian, carrot cake, chocolates, prawn mee today. Poor me, i'm going to be a swine soon.

    My mind is filled with what has happened yst between me and boo. I'm really sorry to boo. I feel so bad now and i am so afraid of him starting from yst. Pray hard i will get over it soon =(

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    dont worry ay! smile=)
