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    Tuesday, July 7, 2009

    Hello world,

    as usual, life's been screwed up with the never ending projects. Seriously, i think my group is going to die if deborah is going to leave us alone. Perhaps we are too dependent on her that everything that she does seems to be something that is being taken for granted. But no, we knew that all along this shouldn't be the right treatment she should deserve. I guess each and everyone of us in the group would be guilty of our actions if we truly realise the mistakes we had made.

    As for me, i had a long chat with G an hour ago. Although he seems to be so slow in his speech, he somehow made me reflect on my doings. I shouldn't have complain so much. Yes politics are around everywhere but why must i be the one who is creating this politics in my group? I bet when a few of you read this you will understand what i am trying to say. I should be sorry of my actions. I should be sorry of my harsh words. I should be sorry to what's coming out from my mouth.

    Reynold once told me that his mom gave him a very meaningful piece of word "If you have nothing good to say about others, then just shut up"

    I have no idea what will happen in the future but please forgive me if i've done anything wrong.

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