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    Thursday, July 30, 2009

    Hello. Presentation in less than an hour's time. Jaslyn group is presenting now . And apparently, my group is feeling so nervous. Alright i just heard deborah and reynold saying shit. No worries, i have confidence in my group members. Although cold wars are common but i guess it's all over now.

    So recently, things hasn't been going smoothly for me. I know i will receive another round of karma again. One after another, i don't want to make the same mistakes again. I don't want to look back anymore. I don't want to be a heartbreaker again.

    Perhaps things will be better off this way.

    Camp today. Will only be back by sunday. It's jack's birthday today! So happy birthday jack! Hope you like the surprise the vlass has prepared for you. Shall show you our presentation video. It's seriously retarded. I wasn't even reading what's on the script. LOL. Enjoy the video!(:

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    [url=]yKFjAxXmrJz[/url] - iKauNAgsMSpI ,