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    Saturday, August 8, 2009

    Make a diamond.

    Comm skills test is down. What's next?! Just came back from my spreeeeeee weeheee. I see a hole in my pocket now but it's been million years since i last shopped like mad. I'm not done with my shopping trips yet though. It's been long since i really spend so much at one go.

    Let me update more about the recent happenings. Well, bsc camp was incrediblely awesome! I swear this is up to FO standard because of the night walk we had. People like helmi, raishun, ian, kel, zaxe, silas, jerome and celeste and more seriously made my last few days in camp even more enjoyable. Uhuh and ofc i have keith who is the MOST caring in this camp. No wonder he's got the best FA. Goal achieved yo!

    I can't multitask now. Shall go off! Ciaoz!

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