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    Sunday, April 19, 2009


    Oh my god. School is like starting in about 13 hours time and im so not prepared! I know i look retarded up there cause the rest look normal to you. Anw, did i mention that i bought everything yellow this year? Hope it will be coming up for the next trend.

    I've been coughing for about 2 weeks plus and still hasn't recover from it. Dread school. I'm chatting with Duck now. The snoring duck. Seems like im replying faster and faster on MSN. Great improvement people! I'm like finally replying! hoorayyyyy!

    k im chatting on the phone now. haha nitey nitez.


    Akinawawa said...

    I thought the yellow thing behind your head is your ribbon rubberband HAHA

    Akinawawa said...

    By the way im AKINA :)

    Sharon Lim said...

    HI AKINA!That's a yellow ribbon given by our Leaders. Lucky you didn't say that was a yellow plastic bag flying above my head. hahaha.