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    Thursday, February 18, 2010

    I have 2 person to thank!


    Thank you lester for your house and sorry for molesting you that night while i was drunk! Don't mean to.

    Was over at lester's house that day with 1k05. Half the class was drunk and the other half didn't even get to sleep at all. Poor lester got to brush his toilet on new year ever. But anyway, i'm sure everyone had fun! I think i stepped on emily while both of us were drunk. Spout alot of nonsense like what "bestfriend don't do blowjob?!" and "emily you are extremely smelly" WTH?

    I'm always blogging at the wrong time but whatever. Why has everyone finished their POM like so fast? I'm only like at the 4th Chapter! Everyone's making me so stress. GPA 4 GPA 4, mummy's got to say byebye to you. I need to study study study.

    I was chatting with odelia about our sec one camp, how she woke me up at night during the fire drill 5 years ago, and i ended up leaving behind my indian buddy. She was still in her sleeping bag while all of us were running for life.
    Worse, she did not get out of her sleeping bag despite the loud siren was going on and on and on. I ended up getting scolded by my GL "if this were to be a real fire, your buddy would have been burnt to death."

    HAHAHAAHAH. burn lo. I used to hate my buddy, she always like to pick her nose before marinating the chicken during homeecons. And being the best buddy ever, i always complain to miss joanna lee "miss lee! sharaniya pick her nose, i want to change buddy!"

    That was really memorable. Odelia and I always like to reminise about our past and predict our future. Maybe this is what bestfriend always does. Hopefully she will get her prince charming, like soon! It's your turn now odelia. You always like to complain how i steal away your love luck. Love luck is no longer with me now. So take it and go bestfriend!

    Bestfriend has got her zadaz. She loves zadaz. She would sing praises about zadaz to me everyday. Bestfriend has got shoulder length hair, long fringe and a very sweet smile. She loves to paint her nails and play scissors paper stone with me across 100 over tables during o'levels exam when teacher around was not looking. Bestfriend has got a dad called sebastian, a sister called odessa and a mum called gorgeous. Bestfriend has got big neh neh and always ask me to exchange mine with hers. I will update how great my bestfriend is at a later post, after my exams.

    So everyone, it's time to study. Good luck for your exams and have fun studying!
    I ever told you once, absence makes the heart grows fonder.
    Now you believe?

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Bodoh that a virus! u kena virus that y those people add u. ' those people' are computer generated. NOT REAL people.