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    Saturday, September 19, 2009

    BFF, not


    I don't know whether this is karma or have i done anything wrong in my previous life that i met a person like you. I know i may not be as nice as some other awesome friends around you who can treat you 10 billion times than i do, but i'm pretty sure i've nvr mouthed any rubbish about you before. Till few weeks ago, you made me think that someone like you don't deserve good treatment. You put words into others mouth to make yourself to be in good light. Wow so nice of you. I don't want to be hypocritcal towards you so if you are smart enough you will see a difference in me towards you. Hello i don't miss you at all and i'm mature enough to let things go. So after this post i'm going to ignore you unless you need my help. And for those who've heard stories of things about me from her, think, am i the kind of person like what she described from your own point of view. qi si wo le.

    p.s. don't worry, she's not from sjc. no offense but i just cannot get use to mix school ah lians. cheebs. __


    Samantha Caia said...

    Cheer up Sharon. Meet me soon okay! Love you :)
    And yes, i hate mixschool ahlians too. They're like :/

    Sharon Lim said...

    Hahah yes! Love you too! Am having my holidays now. Will date you out for sure:D