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    Wednesday, September 9, 2009


    Hi Boys and Girl! Good morning. Sharon just woke up not long ago. It's been a very special day today cause i met up with people like sm, ice, florence and xiaoyuann. It's been 2 years since i last met xy, one year since i last met ice and 5 months since i last met flor and sm. How incredible that these people including cindy have made my day although i was very very very very tired after the F1 interview. Yiqi happened to msg me since like 9203983284304 billion years ago. I need to see her new girl soon. Roam around with cindy aimlessly in town but we've got so much fun today. Really miss those sharon and cindy days. Next week's picnic and i can't wait! OMGOMG excited me! GOTTA GO NOW! BYE:D

    1 comment:

    Zaxe said...