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    Saturday, May 2, 2009

    Hi eyecandies! Week 2 just passed like that. It has been a happening and fun week for me. So far god has been fair to me. I've got celeste to survive with me through the boring days in school.
    Oh ya, I think i need to bring my laptop to school for configuration soon. School is sometimes a bitch too. You know i really hate RHT, the lecture can be so boring that sometimes you will find ppl playing psp hiding under the bag.
    My tan lines are gone! Yipee. The weather is so hot recently that i can feel myself melting. So this shows that we will be facing sun eclispe soon. The world is going to end soon. I shall live my life to the fullest. Go escape theme park and try the always-breakdown-360 degree ride and die in peace on the ride.
    I had a nightmare yst. I dreamt of something which is.... hope this will never happen.
    I guess it's late now. Time check: 0140am. I should sleep. Nitez boys and gurls.

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