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    Saturday, January 10, 2009

    Lucky we're not best friends.


    Oh my, i feel so sweet to have you by my side. We love Jason Marz right! Baby and i have been singing his song to each other. How sweet can that be? Talking about that, we're almost reaching two years in a flash! Bb is still a gay anyway. Tp today with odelia and friends. Oh and I made a new friend today! Her name is grace. She has a kind heart and I really like her alot(:

    Results will be out in a day's time. I'm going to be so dead. Doom's day is here but i'm more concern about getting a pair of socks on monday! I am so desperately looking for socks. Dear santa, please give me a pair of decent socks will you? I am really running out of socks. It's okay. I will just have to let my feet stink.

    After both visits to TP and SP. I can only conclude that TP is a more enjoyable place whereas, SP is a more condusive environment to focus fully on your studies. I have already kind of plan my route ahead. Before we left TP, there was this gang of students and lecturers who actually join in the 'fun' to scare us off by acting as vampires. Well, we weren't really that scared okay! HAHA.

    Tracking back the past few days, I had great time going for interview and training with bestfriend at tiong baru. Just our luck. We met a huge annoying guy who has this ask-for-beating look. But overall, training was pretty good. There's really alot to learn from in order to work. Unlike hsinray and fel.... Hmmm. Am not really into shifting my ass to work. But i need kaching! Only choice left :work. Okay im done.


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